Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Prayer

Lord our God, the heavens are the work of your hands, the moon and the stars you made; the earth and the sea, and every living creature came into being by your word. And all of us, too. May this tree bring cheer to this house through Jesus Christ your good and holy Son, who brings life and beauty to us and to our world. Lighting this tree, we hope in his promise. Amen.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Missing Someone - Angel 210

Dear God, I need you today. I acknowledge I cannot do all. I depend on You to help me get where I need to go. Help me not to be discouraged. I know Your ways are perfect. Bless me with more faith and hope. It is a very disheartening and painful feeling to miss someone. You will miss someone only if you have a lot of affection and love for him or her. Even one minute will seem to be very long when you miss someone. The flowers, nature, sunshine, fragrance, spring, rainbow and all other things will not bring in happiness and solace when you do not have the person you love and care about, near you. The only face you would like to see among million faces....the only laugh that keeps haunting me...I wish and pray I would see him one more time during my lifetime. Until that happens please help me to move forward God, if I do not meet again in my life I am thankful for sending him to my life. Please take care of my Angel 210 wherever he is. I miss him so much.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Prayer for Controlling Anger

O Lord, must I fear Your wrath?

Retribution is Yours by right!

May I never dishonour Your Divinity,

My soul seeking to maintain Your love.

Shape my being into earnest kindness,

A reflection of Your perfection.

Grant me the grace of self-control,

That I may not display any anger.

Should I have such an outburst,

Instantly remind me to seek redress,

For such is offensive to You.

Anger is Yours alone to avenge!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Marriage Prayer

We thank You, O God, for the love You have implanted in our hearts.

May it always inspire us to be kind in our words, considerate of feelings, and concerned for each other's needs and wishes.
Help us to be understanding and forgiving of human weaknesses and failings.
Increase our faith and trust in You and may Your prudence guide our life and love.
Bless our marriage, O God, with peace and happiness, and make our Love fruitful for Your glory and our joy both here and in eternity.

A Marriage Blessing

Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us.

To work that love into practical things so nothing can divide us.
We ask for words both kind and loving, and for hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Dear Lord, we put our marriage into Your hands.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Prayer

Lord, the resurrection of Your Son

has given us new life and renewed hope.

Help us to live as new people

in pursuit of the Christian ideal.

Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,

the will to want to do it,

the courage to undertake it,

the perseverance to continue to do it,

and the strength to complete it.