Thursday, December 30, 2010

Prayer for a Good Husband or Wife

O Jesus, lover of the young, the dearest Friend I have, in all confidence I open my heart to You to beg Your light and assistance in the important task of planning my future. Give me the light of Your grace, that I may decide wisely concerning the person who is to be my partner through life. Dearest Jesus, send me such a one whom in Your divine wisdom You judge best suited to be united with me in marriage. May her/his character reflect some of the traits of Your own Sacred Heart. May s/he be upright, loyal, pure, sincere and noble, so that with united efforts and with pure and unselfish love we both may strive to perfect ourselves in soul and body, as well as the children it may please You to entrust to our care. Bless our friendship before marriage, that sin may have no part in it. May our mutual love bind us so closely, that our future home may ever be most like Your own at Nazareth.

O Mary Immaculate, sweet Mother of the young, to your special care I entrust the decision I am to make as to my future wife/husband. You are my guiding Star! Direct me to the person with whom I can best cooperate in doing God's Holy Will, with whom I can live in peace, love and harmony in this life, and attain to eternal joys in the next. Amen.

Respecting one another

God our Father,
you call each of us by name,
and you treasure each of us individually
as though no-one else exists.

Inspire us
to respect and value
each person who comes into our lives this day.

Knowing me better

I thank you, Lord,
for knowing me better than I know myself,
and for letting me know myself
better than others know me.

Make me, I pray you,
better than they suppose,
and forgive me for what they do not know.

Praying the offering of self

Lord Jesus,
you told your friends
not to worry about the future.

You showed them
how to have the attitude of simple trust
that young children have,
so that they could place themselves
into the caring hands of your Father.

And so I ask for the power of your Spirit
that I may remain positive
throughout all that is ordinary in my daily life.

I know that your touch
can change people and situations,
and so I ask you
to join me in offering to our Father
not only the good things of this day
but also the suffering and sacrifices
that I want to offer cheerfully and lovingly,
and in a quiet and hidden way.

And so may any difficulties
and frustration and pain of this day
be transformed in your presence
for the benefit of other people. Amen.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Prayer to Live as a Child of God

Father in Heaven,
when the Spirit came down upon Jesus
at His Baptism in the Jordan,
You revealed Him as Your own Beloved Son.
Keep me, Your child,

born of water and the Spirit,
faithful to my calling.
May I, who share in Your Life
as Your child through Baptism,

follow in Christ's path of service to people.
Let me become one in His Sacrifice
and hear His Word with faith.
May I live as Your child,
following the example of Jesus.

Meal time Prayer

O Lord, we thank you for the gifts of your bounty
which we enjoy at this table.
As you have provided for us in the past,
so may you sustain us throughout our lives.
While we enjoy your gifts,
may we never forget the needy and those in want.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

For Those Who Are Disabled

God of compassion,
in Jesus Christ you cared for those who were blind or deaf,
crippled or slow to learn.
Though all of us need help,
give special care to those who are disabled,
particularly those we name in silence...
By our concern may they know the love you have for them,
and come to trust you;
through Jesus Christ who came to heal.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The best of all gifts

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
- Burton Hillis -

A Christmas Prayer

Moonless darkness stands between.
Past, the Past, no more be seen!
But the Bethlehem star may lead me
To the sight of Him Who freed me
From the self that I have been.
Make me pure, Lord: Thou art Holy;
Make me meek, Lord: Thou wert lowly;
Now beginning, and always,
Now begin, on Christmas day.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Prayer to Love God

God, my Father,
may I love You in all things and above all things.
May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in Heaven.
Nothing is good that is against Your Will,
and all that is good comes from Your Hand.
Place in my heart a desire to please You
and fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love,
so that I may grow in Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace.